Faculty of Business Management

Diploma in Business Studies
Business today is complex, and it calls for minds that are trained in the broad fundamentals of business. This programme, oofered by the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM, started in July 1963. It remains as one of the highly sought-after programmes among students undertaking diploma programme.

The programme of Diploma in Business Studies provides a good background of business facts and knowledge and prepares students for the Bachelor programme in the various specialized field of business.

This 2½ year programme includes the study of accounting, economics, marketing, management, math and statistics, language and communication, information technology and legal foundations. These wide ranges of business courses provide students with a strong basis in facing the various facets of business challenges.

Job opportunities include supervisory and junior management positions in both the private and public organizations.

Admission Requirement
University General Requirements
  • Passed SPM or equivalent recognized by Government of Malaysia with THREE (3) credits including Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass History (Starting SPM 2013)

Special Requirement
SPM Graduates

Meet the UNIVERSITY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS with credits for the following subjects:
  • English
  • Mathematics / Additional Mathematics

Pra Diploma UiTM Graduates
Lulus Naik Taraf (LNT) Pra Diploma Perdagangan (BA002/BA003) programme from UiTM

APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning)
  • Passed MQA (Aptitude Test and Portfolio Assessment)
  • Aged not less than 20 years on year of application
  • Working experience in related fields at least five (5) years
  • Passed an interview conducted by the faculty


Contact Us
Dr. Yusman Bin Yacob
Ketua Pusat Pengajian (Business & Management)
UiTM Cawangan Sarawak Kampus Mukah
Telephone : +6084-876 040
Email :

Interested to be part of our family? Register now! You can make online registration through the Students' Admission Portal (Portal Kemasukan Pelajar) website. Please ensure that you have read carefully and understand all the terms and conditions before filling up the forms. We are very keen to see you in the next intake session. See you soon!

Faculty of Plantation & Agrotechnology

Diploma in Planting Industry Management
This course is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge and understanding of establishing and managing a plantation. Students following this two and half (2½) year programme will learn the latest techniques of Plantation Management, Agricultural Science, Farm Mechanization, Accounting, Plant Science, Agricultural Economics, Soil Science, Industrial Relations, Personnel Management, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Marketing.

Job Opportunities
Graduates have excellent career prospects in areas of plantation and agrotechnology at semi-professional and professional levels, in the plantation and agricultural related industry in both private and government sectors.

Opportunity to Further Studies
Graduates of this programme will be able to further their studies in the related fields offered by institution of higher learning, either locally or abroad. Those who wish to further their studies in the field of Plantation Management may enrol in the Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Technology and Plantation Management programme of UiTM.

Admission Requirement
University General Requirements
  • Passed SPM or equivalent recognized by Government of Malaysia with THREE (3) credits including Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass History (Starting SPM 2013)

Special Requirement
Meet the UNIVERSITY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS with credits for the following subjects:
  • Mathematics / Additional Mathematics
  • English
one (1) of the following subjects:
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Additional Science
  • Agricultural Science
  • Agriculture
  • Agrotechnology Studies
  • Food Crops
  • Aquaculture and Recreational Animals
  • Landscape and Nursery
  • Crop Production
  • Decorative Horticulture and Landscaping
  • Farm Machinery
  • Farm Management
Notes : Candidates should be physically fit, not suffering any mental and physical illness and able follow the programs designed in this course.


Contact Us
Muhamad Syukrie bin Hj. Abu Talip
Ketua Pusat Pengajian (Health Sciences, Plantation & Agrotechnology)
UiTM Cawangan Sarawak Kampus Mukah
Telephone : +6084-876 041
Email :

Interested to be part of our family? Register now! You can make online registration through the Students' Admission Portal (Portal Kemasukan Pelajar) website. Please ensure that you have read carefully and understand all the terms and conditions before filling up the forms. We are very keen to see you in the next intake session. See you soon!

Faculty of Applied Science

Pre Diploma Science
In the spirit of helping the Bumiputera students to further their studies at a much higher level, the pre-diploma science program was introduced. The Pre-Diploma (Science) program, initially known as Pre-Science (Pra-Sains) started in ITM Sarawak in July 1992 with a pioneer batch of fifty-five student

The program was introduced to help Bumiputera students from the science stream, as well as to enable those who possess the necessary qualifications to further their studies at the tertiary level. The program also aims to prepare and better equip the students before they join the Science and Technology (S & T) based diploma programmes. The program was specifically established to cater for the students who do not qualify to go straight to diploma/matriculation as well as to give a second opportunity to the students to go for their dream ambition.

The duration of the study is one to two semesters. In this program, the students are exposed to basic courses such as Basic Mathematics, Chemistry, Physic, Biology and English Language.

With the introduction of Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa (MDAB) program, Pre-Diploma (Science) has been rebranded and put under MDAB. The program code was then changed to PD007. The students who are offered under MDAB are waived from paying any fees and are given monthly allowance. The selection of students to be put under this program depends on the income of the family. For those students who do not qualify for this program will be put under normal Pre-Diploma Science with the program code of PD008.

Opportunity to Further Studies
The students who pass this program can choose to do their diploma in various faculties including Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Health Science, Faculty of Architecture , Planning & Surveying, Faculty of Information Technology & Quantitative Sciences and Faculty of Agrotechnology.

Admission Requirement
University General Requirements
  • Passed SPM or equivalent recognized by Government of Malaysia with THREE (3) credits including Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass History (Starting SPM 2013)

Special Requirement
Meet the UNIVERSITY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS with credits for the following subjects:
  • Mathematics / Additional Mathematics
  • Pass English
one (1) of the following subjects:
  • Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Additional Science

Contact Us
Dr. Siti Kartina Abd Karim
Head, Centre of Applied Science
Telephone : +6082-678 428
Email :

Interested to be part of our family? Register now! You can make online registration through the Students' Admission Portal (Portal Kemasukan Pelajar) website. Please ensure that you have read carefully and understand all the terms and conditions before filling up the forms. We are very keen to see you in the next intake session. See you soon!

Pra Pendidikan Tinggi (PPT)

Pra Pendidikan Tinggi (PPT) Program
The Pra Pendidikan Tinggi (PPT) Programme is a program where Malay and Bumiputera students fail to gain a place in the university because of insufficient merit, increased cost of study and failure in the competition to get a place of study at HEIs, helped to achieve their dreams. UiTM offers programme based on student eligibility either to Pre-Trade or Pre-Science programme. Throughout the program, students will be given academic excellence, personal and spiritual construction as well as human capital development. UiTM believes that every individual can strive for excellence through the transfer of knowledge if given opportunities and space and the application of noble values for self-development, knowledge, society and nation.

PPT Purpose & Objective

The main agenda of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) creating this programme is to help the less fortunate but able to learn. In other words, these students are comprised of those who are poor but eligible to continue their pre-Diploma courses. UiTM's concerns can be seen with various plans and executions to ensure they pursue their studies in the PPT programme.

Admission Requirement
Pra Diploma Perdagangan (BA002) : 1 Semester / 6 Months
University General Requirements
  • Passed SPM or equivalent recognized by Government of Malaysia with THREE (3) credits including Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass History (Starting SPM 2013)

Special Requirement
  • Pass Mathematics / Additional Mathematics
  • Pass English

Pra Diploma Sains (PD007) : 1 Semester / 6 Months
University General Requirements
  • Passed SPM or equivalent recognized by Government of Malaysia with THREE (3) credits including Bahasa Melayu
  • Pass History (Starting SPM 2013)

Special Requirement
Meet the UNIVERSITY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS with credits for the following subjects:
  • Mathematics / Additional Mathematics
  • Pass English
Passed one (1) of the following subjects: 
  • Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Additional Science

For more information on this program, please visit this website PPT.

Interested to be part of our family? Register now! You can make online registration through the Students' Admission Portal (Portal Kemasukan Pelajar) website. Please ensure that you have read carefully and understand all the terms and conditions before filling up the forms. We are very keen to see you in the next intake session. See you soon!

Contact Us

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Sarawak
94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak

Tel: +6082-677 200 | +6082-677 500
Fax: +6082-677 300

General Enquiry: Corporate Communications Unit


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